The people behind CTM Recruitment:

Rob Wells
Murray Wyles
Business Development Manager
Peter Marinovic
Operations Manager
Our team has over 25 years experience in civil, construction, trades and mining recruitment.
The long-term relationships we have developed with prominent companies and our employees keeps us at the forefront of the recruitment industry.
CTM's head office is based in Perth, Western Australia. We have recently established a branch in Darwin that services our Northern Territory and Queensland clients.
Our recruits come from all corners of Australia as we are actively looking for the best employees in the industries we service.
Over the phone or online
Perth Office:
Level 1, 23 Belgravia Street, Belmont WA 6104
Postal Address:
PO Box 216, Guildford WA 6935
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm

(08) 9249 7421 (Available 24/7)